Got a tree or plant problem and not sure where to turn or who to contact? Now you can connect with our professional arborist virtually. Simply choose an available time, purchase, and get video call access to our arborist live and in person. No bots or AI, this is the real deal. With a video call our arborist can look at your tree with you and give his virtual assessment to help you determine:
●whether a tree needs further service from a local company (we can help you find one if needed)
●if this tree is showing signs of disease or decay
●whether it needs protection from construction, parking, the lawn guy or anything else
●what maintenence and possible hazards the tree or trees will need or pose
●how to properly maintain your trees to keep them safe and healthy
●and anything else that catches the arborsits attention.
After the virtual session is over and your questions have been answered, we will email you our assessment so you can read it and have a copy.
The assessment will include:
●The overview of our meeting
●personalized details regarding your tree and what was discussed
●a pdf guide, for you as a tree owner, to properly maintaining your trees to keep them healthy
●and anything else the arborist may have discussed with you so you can access the info anytime.
Virtual Arborist Consultation